Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lee Min Ho Me2Day Update 06.06.2011 - Interview with Me2Day (3)

Once again, Lee Min Ho is making a interview with Me2Day on his Me2Day account, and with the same interview team...isn't he so nice, my Minoz friends?? ^^ here it is, once again i've been reconstructed the interview for you..^^

Q15. '꽃남' F4분들중 김범씨와 최근 연락하셨다고요? 어떤 이야기를 나누셨는지 궁금하네요. '시티헌터'에 대해서 김범씨가 혹시 좋은 말을 해주셨나요?
You said that, among the F4 of "Boys Over Flowers", you lastly meet F4 Kim Beom ssi?? i'm wondering what you guys talking about. Did Kim Beom ssi talks about any nice things from "City Hunter" ??

드라마를 할 때 힘든 부분을 서로 알고 있기 때문인지… 많은 이야기 보다는 다치지 말고 끝까지 화이팅 하자! 라는 이야기를 서로 해요. 배려해주는.. 그런 말들이 많은 의지가 되고 있어요. 
The hard part is, we didn't aware of each other's drama...but there are a lot of stories to be seen so let's fight until the end! (for his answer for the question if beom is saying nice things about CH) that's another story. I am concerned about that...i think but he'll be willing to be there to say a lot of words (about the drama)

Q16. 민호씨, '꽃남' 이후 아무렇지 않게 번화가를 돌아다녀본 적도 있나요? 혹시 대중교통을 이용해본 적은?
Min Ho ssi, after you finished "Boys Over Flowers", do you have any problem being recognized on the downtown area?? (he means, crowded part of the city) do you ever use public transportation??

꽃남 당시에는 사실 어려웠죠~ 꽃남후에 해외 프로모션 갔을 때 스텝들과 걷는데 옆을 지나가시던 한국 분들이 “이민호 아냐?”“이민호가 여기서 저러고 있겠어?” 라고 하시는거예요. 재미도 있었고.. 기분이 묘했던 기억이 나요. 요즘에는 혼자 잘 돌아다녀요ㅋ 
Is it hard on Boys Over Flowers's time ~ (in my opinion, he type like this means he was thinking), when we got to overseas country with the promotion staff, there Korean people who walks through us and said " is it Lee Min Ho?? " " Lee Min Ho has arrived here, they have arrived here??" , it was fun...i remember feeling so happy...nowadays, i walks alone, keke...

Q17. 미투데이 토크 시작한지 이틀이 지났네요. 민호씨는 지금 컴퓨터를 통해 미투데이를 하고 계세요? 아니면 스마트폰을 이용하세요? 막상 온라인으로 인터뷰를 진행하니 많이 생소하시죠?
Me2Day has interviewed you for 2 days now, and Lee Min Ho ssi has answered our questions. Did Lee Min Ho ssi answer Me2Day questions via computer or phone? and, are you already familiar with online interview?

스마트 폰으로 주로 하고 있어요. 말하는 것보다 더 긴장되는데요? 글을 보면 낮간지럽기도 하고요.ㅋ 편하게 할 수 있을 줄 알았는데 생각이 많아지네요 ㅎ 이렇게 실시간으로 많은 글을 써 본적이 없어서 좋은 경험이었어요. 같이 달려준 美친들, 당황했씀?
I'm using phone since i'm more comfortable with it. But i'm feeling nervous, what would we talk about? when i read the questions, keke..( i think, he gets nervous on answering when he got the questions) before answering, i took time to comfortably think, so it took time for me to write the answers, hehe..i've never experience this, i think it was a good experience. All of you, what do you think??

Q18. 오늘 촬영은 어땠나요? 요즘 액션신 때문에 각별히 신경쓰일 것 같은데요.
How was the shooting today?? i think, the extreme action scenes is irritating lately. 

오전부터 한 씬 촬영하고 저녁까지 씬이 비어서 이렇게 인터뷰를^^ 액션은 연습해 온 부분도 있고요.. 현장에서 감독님과 상의도 많이하고 아이디어도 내고 스텝들까지 공동작업이라.. 숟가락액션 처럼 신선한 요소들도 있으니까요 시청자 분들이 재미있게 봐 주셨으면 좋겠어요.
I'm shooting scenes from the morning until evening, but manage to do this interview^^ we're doing action scenes in parts. There's the director here and the staff and the operation partner. We have so fresh ideas for the scene, just like the spoon for fighting so it'll be fun to look at by the people and audience.

Q19. 소품 말고 연습용으로 따로 프라모델 총을 구입하시진 않았나요? 그런 조립식 장난감 등을 좋아하시는지?
Let's do some inspection, for practicing, do you use model gun? then, do you like pre-fabrication toys??

샀어요. 원작의 사에바 료가 콜트 파이슨 357을 쓰거든요.. 종류도 몇 개 갖고 있고요. 맞추는 연습도 했는데… 비비탄 치우는게…… 일이었어요 ㅋ 그 후에는 실탄 사격연습장도 갔어요.
I bought. I used the Colt Python 357 (Info: It is a Magnum 357 caliber revolver) of the Original "Ryo Saeba" (protagonist character in City Hunter)... i have some kind of it(refers to the gun). It did fit to practice. BB shot(BB for "ball bearing" or "bullet ball" and BB shot means "a small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gun") and was put away after work... That was also done after we went to the firing range...

장난감, 좋아하죠. 헬기 날리는 것도 좋아하고 자동차 조종하는 것도 좋아하고요. 매니저 형 rc헬기 망가뜨렸던 기억이 나네요 ㅋ 
Toys, i love it. But not an RC (Remote Control) Helicopter, but i like an RC Car better. RC Helicopter reminds me of ruined house, kekeke...

Q20. '시티헌터'의 내용처럼 대통령 딸이나 굉장한 재벌가 또는 힘 있는 집안의 딸이 실제로 이민호씨에게 지속적으로 관심을 보인다면 어떨 것 같아요?
Films like "City Hunter" that tells story about hero, president and her daughter, some to gain many attention, what do you think?

우선 이성이 좋아해 주는 건 기분이 좋은 일이고요…ㅋ 사람은 만나봐야 아는 거잖아요? 일단은 그냥 좋기만 할 것 같아요. … 드라마 같을 것 같네요. 시티헌터 처럼 ㅋ
First, it's a good reason, that's what i thing and i want all of you to know, kekeke...you know? i think i just need luck....like the drama. like "City Hunter", kekekeke...

Q21. 오늘 촬영장에서 음식은 제대로 드셨나요? 평소 촬영장에서 어떤 음식들을 주로 드세요?
Did you eat good food at the set today? usually, what is your favorite food at the set?

오늘은 팬분들이 간식을 보내주셔서 맛있게 잘 먹었어요.. 현장에서는 보통 근처에 있는 식당을 가던지 하죠. 촬영장 근처에 맛있는 식당을 발견하면 다음에 다시 가게 되더라구요. ㅎ
I enjoy today, i was pleased by snacks from fans. For me, some restaurant near the county would usually do. When we found a good restaurant near the set, all of us come to the shop, hehe...

Q22. 컨디션이 안 좋을때 극복하는 이민호씨만의 비법이 있나요?
Lee Min Ho ssi, to be always in good condition, what's your advice?

컨디션이 안 좋을 때 말수가 좀 없어지는데요, 우선은 잠을 좀 자면 나아져요. 일하는 도중에는 어쩔 수 없으니까. 좋은 쪽으로 생각하고, 나쁜 일은 빨리 잊고, 여러분의 비법도 알려주세요 ㅎㅎ
Iin a good condition.. you're usually lost your talkative side, got a little sleep and you'll get better. Usually during work, we can't help it. Also think some good things and forget bad things quickly, but let me know if you had secrets to it too, hehehe...

Q23. 총싸움은 역시 80년대 홍콩느와르가 최고였죠. 혹시 '영웅본색' 등 홍콩 액션영화들은 보신 적 있나요?
"A Better Tomorrow" is considered the best Hong Kong film in the 80s. Besides " A Better Tomorrow", what other 80s Hong Kong action films that you know.

그럼요. 영웅본색 시리즈. 남자들의 로망이라고 불리죠ㅋ 비비탄총 사서 놀기도 하고 노래도 흥얼거리던 기억이 나요~
Of Course. "A Better Tomorrow" series. It was called "A Man's Romance" keke BB shotgun was bought and played there and I remembered that I was humming it's song too~ (maybe he meant the OST of the series)

오늘 현충일 이에요. 이동하다보니 태극기가 많이 보이네요. 저도 지금은 좀 차분히 쉬고 다음 촬영 준비하려고요. 여러분도 인터뷰 같이 해주느라 수고많았어요^^
Today is the memorial day. I see a lot of Korean flag. I'm getting ready to shoot now and i'd like to rest calmly after that. And i'm also want all of you to know that i'm doing interview^^

Original Source : Lee Min Ho Official Me2Day account
English Translation : Ellaine and Monika @BOFFanPage (really thank you for Ellaine, she really helps me a lot!!! ^^ To tell the truth, translating this interview is SO DAMN HARD!!! a lot of slangs, English re-typed to Hangul, and especially, terms about guns..so, Ellaine, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! ^^ )

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