
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Seon's drama "Faith" is confirmed to air on August 13th

[Newsen reporter Kwon Soo Bin]

"Faith" will broadcast their first episode on August 13th.

On May 15th, SBS's official spokesperson confirmed that "Faith's first episode is decided to be broadcast on August 13th" and "The final decision is already made by the the producer".
Director Kim Jong Hak who also wrote the story of the drama "Faith" is writing a drama about a General especially soldires in Goryeo Dynasty with a modern construction, telling story about what true love really means with a touch from history in a drama. The female lead actress from the drama will be Kim Hee Seon who will make her comeback with this drama after 6 years from her 2006 drama "Smile Again", accompanied by the male lead actor Lee Min Ho as the General that guard the king. 
Lee Min Ho, Kim Hee Seon and director Kim Jong Hak already meet to discuss about their drama and Kim Jong Hak's comment was "Lee Min Ho didn't feel any difficulties to portray his character for this drama, he's perfect for it", and "Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Seon, both of then had divine charisma and this couple is perfect for each other and it's like they're made in heaven" he said with a full confidence. 

Original Korean Text:

김희선 이민호 판타지사극 ‘신의’ 8월13일 첫방송 확정

[뉴스엔 권수빈 기자]

'신의'가 8월13일 첫 방송된다.

SBS 고위 관계자는 5월15일 뉴스엔에 "'신의' 첫 방송 날짜가 8월13일로 결정됐다"며 "월화드라마에 편성하는 것으로 최근 확정지었다"고 밝혔다.

김종학 감독, 송지나 작가가 뭉친 '신의'는 고려시대 무사와 현대 여의사가 만나 시공을 초월한 사랑을 그리는 퓨전사극이다. 김희선이 여의사 역에 캐스팅돼 2006년 '스마일 어게인' 이후 6년 만에 복귀를 앞두고 있으며 왕의 호위무사 역에 이민호가 낙점됐다.

이민호와 김희선의 만남에 대해 연출자 김종학 감독은 "일부러 이렇게 짜맞추기도 어려울 만큼 캐릭터 싱크로율이 완벽에 가깝다"며 "이민호, 김희선은 하늘이 내린 궁합"이라고 평하며 드라마에 대한 자신감을 표했다.

권수빈 ppbn@

Source: newsnate
English Translation: Monika

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